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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First Sniff

This week, Rhianwen took her first intentional whiff of a flower. Our gardenias are blooming and smell wonderfully fragrant. So I decided to see if Rhianwen wanted to have a closer smell. I showed her how to do it and she looked a little puzzled as to why I was breathing so strangely but decided to give it a try. After one smell she decided to lean in to smell again, which is when Wally took this picture.

In some exciting developments on getting this house more functional, Wally got his new nailgun! Rhianwen was all into that, and liked the cool shaded work glasses that came with it.

Helping daddy with instructions.

Rhianwen skipped church this Sunday because she is still raspy from a cold. I think we will call the Doc this afternoon and schedule a look-see. She is happy as can be most of the time. We went to a friend's house for supper one evening, and Rhi decided that she was bored with the surroundings and tired to boot so she took it upon herself to attempt to break the sound barrier using her still strong but raspy vocal cords. We left in a hurry especially since it was in an apartment!

"See my pretty necklace?" - Rhianwen put this on herself! As some of my friends from playgroup say about accessorizing/beautifying, "Girls just get it."

It's getting extremely hard getting good pics of this girl on the move. My camera just doesn't take shots fast enough! We have a LOT of pictures of the back of our girl's head! So, if you notice that there seem to be a plethora of pictures of Rhianwen in her booster seat, well...there are!

Who could resist this little honey?

To introduce this next movie on Channel Rhi, we must explain that at the time this movie was taken, Mommy and Rhianwen were perusing a photo album containing pictures of Rhianwen's uncles, grandparents, and great grandparents on her mommy's side. This is what she had to say to them:

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  1. awesome cuteness sits enthroned upon that sweety's face, her alabaster little body, makes me laugh with grace.....that is my effort at a poem. I thought gardineas (sp?) blumed in May? or some other time.

  2. how does the dining stuff fit in the dining room?

  3. She is such a doll! Love the sounds she makes at Uncle Skipper. :-)

    And don't you love the sudden, unexplicable shrieks? Andrew usually loves the grocery store but recently became quite offended by a box of cereal I had selected and yelled his head off (you know, the kind when people around you start staring intently down at their grocery carts and decidedly not in your direction). I actually wondered if the box had pinched him or something, so I pulled him out of the cart to soothe him, then ended up doing the red-neckiest thing ever - allowing my barefooted 1-year-old to pull mustard bottles off the shelf while I searched for the appropriate marinade for the evening's porkchops.

  4. hey on the voting thing it doesn't give any choices but the glass bottle thing. Aren't you supposed to give choices? Looks like a soviet voting place.
