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Monday, August 11, 2008

Week of Grandma Nanny Kim

The past week Grandma Nanny Kim spent with us. I think it was an eye-opening experience for Rhianwen. Nanny Kim brought imagination to a whole new level for her. Not only did every play person and stuffed animal get a name (or if they already had a name they got a new name), but also, the legos took on endless possibilities and drawing became a way to make chairs, food, roads etc. for the play people to use. I've tried to learn all of the names: Sammy, Billy, Doris, ummmm...there're more...Oh, like Rhianwen decided that her name is Frank. Also, much to Wally's dismay, Nanny Kim introduced a Richard Simmons exercise video to Rhianwen that she absolutely loved. She called it dancing.

Dancing to the Richard Simmons video.

Nanny Kim also did some amazing Cleopatricesce things with Rhi's hair-clips.

Alden enjoyed seeing Nanny Kim as well, although I think he wasn't quite sure what to make of her. Don't worry, Alden, no one does!

I don't know why she thought it was a good idea, but Rhi decided running around with a bag on her head was super fun. Even though it caused many falls (kitty bore the brunt of the one that came right after this picture). This is about the only way we can get videos of Rhianwen now...her head must be completely covered so she is totally unaware of our secret footage of her.

Mrs. Stoner had a very talented and kind friend who wanted to make a gift for the big sister. She made a beautiful crayon and paper carrying case that we all love.

Daddy took a day trip out to Mt. Airy to get a cheap riding lawn mower. So far he has had to replace the starter and tighten the blades. I think it still needs some repairs, but Rhianwen loves taking a spin around the yard on it.

Alden is doing well. He gained like a champ this past week. Let's hope he keeps it up/mommy can keep up with his needs! We're still using the shield as he still does his little creasing number if I don't. Of course, I obsess over every poop, pee, and feeding, and wonder if those little fingers are looking fatter or thinner over the period of the day. I know worrying never helps, but sometimes it is hard! Especially in the afternoon when he doesn't seem to sleep well and just likes to snack and snooze. Blah. Wally keeps saying I'll finally decide he's gotten enough to eat when he's 16 and huge. Ha! In the life of Alden, he really enjoys watching ceiling fans and clocks that have second hands. Just mesmerizing.

Rhianwen the little helper; Alden the little go-with-the-flow man.

Tonight during devotions Rhianwen was summarizing the story about the tabernacle for mommy. She said, "Jesus went to China." Hm. Interesting. I never got that out of the tabernacle accounts. Perhaps it has something to do with letting her watch a bunch of Olympics.


  1. Glad to hear Alden is gaining well. Don't worry, the second one seems to know they are second and must go with the flow and they turn out just fine.

    Kara will like the hairclip picture. She likes to pick out every hairclip that matches a shirt and ask me to put all of them in.

  2. Your mom is so much fun! Andrew was with my mom last week and I had to get loads of instruction on all their new play ideas. I had to call this afternoon to ask again about how the Sesame St. characters are supposed to go down the trap door. Alden and Rhi are so beautiful. And I'm so glad to know Jesus took a trip to China! I'll bet he had a nice time.

  3. Rhi is such a bubbly personality--enjoy her even in your tiredness! Things will get better !! ;-) . Give Rhi and little man a kiss from us!!

  4. Love the bag on the head picture! Scott went through a phase where he had to walk around with bags/boxes on his head this past winter. Alden looks like he's growing well, and settling in to being the younger sibling. They are both so cute.

  5. Ah, yes, Frank is such a good practical name. It fits her well.

    If only I had had a grandma like Grandma Nanny Kim! She cracks me up.
