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Sunday, October 14, 2007


This week was a nice return to normalcy...at least by the Tinsley definition. Rhianwen is still enjoying all of her new gifts and recognizes them with excitement. She's also begun a major new stage of trying to climb on or into almost everything. Some very curious coworkers of Wally's came to take a peak at the house, and while they were there, we somehow convinced them to display their prowess by moving our piano to the other side of the room. So, with that in place, we could put the coffee table back on the floor where it semi belongs. Rhianwen took this to mean that it was a new piece of equipment for climbing and became very frustrated when it seemed a bit too high for an easy leg maneuver to the top. She did, however, find a nice basket in her room to commandeer.

"Well, if the bear fits, why can't I?"

She has also become a more independent eater, and ate her yogurt almost without help. Granted, it was very messy, but she managed to ingest most of it. Here, she also has an entire grape in her mouth b/c she no longer wants them cut for her but likes to pick them off of the stems. I finally came up with the idea of cutting them in half and leaving one half on the stem thereby easing my mind of the choking potential and satisfying Rhianwen's desire for big girl food.

"Those fall squirrels got nothing on me!"

I finally decided that the caffeine-free diet Coke was just about the nastiest stuff to drink under the sun and therefore, it lost its place in the fridge. This did not prevent Rhianwen from digging out a can and trying to gulp some for herself!
"Hm, why is this not coming out?"

Thursday, Wally's cousin Virginia was in town for a wedding, and we all got to spend a fun evening with her. Daddy showed off Rhianwen's new wagon, and how he takes her on a roller coaster ride by holding onto the wagon as he runs pellmell down the hill and around the yard. It's really FAST! But Rhianwen absolutely looooves it! She just loves her wagon, and often when she's out running in the yard, she'll go to the shed and try to push it out on her own.

The onset of wonderfully cool fall weather has made Rhi a little tossy turny at night. She sleeps through the chill, but bangs around in the crib all night. This wakes me up with heart palpitations every time she does it (meaning that I get no rest!). So, we made a pit stop at Walmart for some footy pj's (Carter's brand)...on the way I found a pair of leather navy blue Stride Rite shoes in Rhi's size for $2 at Goodwill!!! It made my day!
Checking out the new togs.

We pulled out a cute corduroy outfit for Rhianwen to wear to church. Of course, mommy was unwise enough to let her eat yummy taco soup for 2 suppers and a lunch the few days before this, and in nursery she blew out her diaper with a big poo for the workers who had to dig through her diaper bag to put on an extra outfit. So much for staying all dressed up!

A big smile for daddy.

Mornings has been a time for teaching Rhianwen new words. She seems the most vocal and listens and repeats at this time. She's learned bottle, daddy (dada), and mommy (actually she got it flipped around and said mi-ma). She also loves to kiss. She's gotten the lip movement and the smack instead of her old way of resting her open mouth on your face! These have been some of our favorite moments during the week.


  1. Well, that is swell ;-). She seems to be learning new things quickly!! the joys, eh? Hope ya'll get some sleep;-)

  2. Wow, have I been behind on my blog reading! It always brightens my day to read about Rhianwen. She is such a DOLL! And the things you all do and the way you express it makes me picture you all in a very Anne of Green Gables light ... fabulous. Why, oh why didn't you move to Atlata?!
