Rhianwen's Age Tracker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Alden's Age Tracker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Corwin's Age Tracker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Baby Boy

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, August 3, 2008

One Week Down and Another to Go

Despite the fact that we were on our own this week, things went fairly well. Definitely better than expected. We had some friends help out with a few meals and babysitting which proved invaluable to our sanity. Thank you! Now, mom is here for the week. Hooray!

Alden gained much better this week even though we have the same issues. The LC has me on a shield for both sides because Alden seems to get more that way so I'm feeling a lot better too :) Hopefully it'll all pan out well eventually, but we can only take one day at a time. Alden had his first real bath with his big sister. Rhianwen had fun cleaning him and has named his bear-shaped bath sponge "Aldi-man's boat". Aldi-man is a nickname that Wally has been using with him and Rhianwen has of course begun using it. Pretty soon she will forget what his real name is! Alas, no pictures since it is close to impossible to maintain modesty with 2 kids in the tub.

Here he is all wrapped up in Grandmama's towel.

All clean; I love the soft fluffy clean hair.

We were looking at old pictures of Wally when he was a newborn. What do you think? Alden looks quite a bit like him we think. Especially the long skinny arms and legs.

Wally new to the world.

Long and skinny Wally.

Grandmama, Grandaddy, Aunt Clara, and Uncle Brooks made a pit-stop on their way to a wedding of Wally's cousin (we are so sad we had to miss it!). So, we had a quick photo-shoot before they were on their way. This marks the start of Alden's photo-prayer book (we have a "Who Loves Baby" photo-album that we put family pictures in and pray through during devotions).

Grandmama and Grandaddy. Alden LOVES looking at Grandmama.

Aunt Clara and Uncle Brooks.

Rhianwen has really come into a new phase of crazy toddlerhood recently...running, yelling, stomping. All just in time for a new baby that we are trying to get on a nice sleep schedule. Her favorite Bible song is "I Will Never March in the Infantry", and she can almost sing the whole thing! Wally has also introduced "Pharaoh, Pharaoh", one of my former favorite camp songs. It's so funny to hear Rhianwen sing, "Pharaoh, Baby!" She's even squirmy for book readings now. I've also introduced Sesame Street a couple of days a week which she has termed "Moosic" and she'll talk about the monsters singing.

Reading a Piglet book...Alden looks utterly disgusted.

This was mommy's and Uncle Christopher's toybox, and our favorite thing was to throw all the toys out and climb in it. Rhianwen is maintaining the tradition.


  1. Wow. Rhianwen makes the box look so small.

  2. That could be you sitting in the toy box in that picture. She looks so much like you!

  3. That last picture is so funny. Anna does the same thing with her wagon full of blocks. She dumps them all out and gets in the wagon, and then Noah pulls her around the house in the wagon. I couldn't believe it when Anna started doing that though because Noah did the exact same thing when he was a baby.
